In the
equatorial constellation of Taurus, beyond the bright red star Aldebaran, can
be seen what at first sight might be taken to be no more than a faint mist.
This patch is a
cluster of stars so youthful in astronomical terms that some are still surrounded
by the nebula of their creation: the Pleiades. They are so far from Earth that
only the minutest fraction of their number are actually visible to the naked
eye: Atlas (father) and Pleione (mother) and their seven daughters, Alcyone,
Maia, Electra, Taygeta, Merope, Asterope and Celaeno, arguably the most
important stars of the ancient world.
astronomers certainly thought so. They called the cluster Chimah, meaning a revolving pivot moving other bodies with it. This
idea was given credence by 19th century, astronomers who believed Alcyone, the
brightest of the stars, to be the centre of gravity of the Solar system around
which Sun and planets moved through space.
Discredited as
it was later of course, this was no worse for all that than the idea of the
ancient Greeks that the sky was a concave mirror reflecting idealised
impressions of humanity. In Hesiod's day c800 BC, Greek farmers reaped their
corn when the Pleiades rose at Sunrise in May, and ploughed their fields when
they set at Sunrise in November.
Seven Sisters they called them, from the seven
daughters of Atlas and Pleione who died of grief and were placed as stars in
the heavens, unaccountably echoing the Seven
Gods of the Sumerians, Seven Hathors
of the Egyptians, Company of Maidens
of the Florida Indians and Karatgioruk
(Young Women) of the Australian Aborigines. Vergilae
from ver, the spring, came later. The
modern name is derived from pleein,
to sail, in recognition of the calm seas heralded by the Pleiades' appearance.
It is little
wonder then, considering their importance, that the Hecatompedon in Athens had
been oriented to the Pleiades when, built around 1500 BC, or the Merrivale
Avenue near Walkhampton in
Devon similarly some 500 years later. This latter is so nearly parallel with
the Cursus at Stonehenge that the idea has been mooted that each enjoyed a
similar significance relating to the heliacal rising of the Pleiades at the
beginning of the Beltane Fire Festival.
really if it should be go; fire and Sun being inseparable in the Celtic mind
and a heliacal rising referring to a star, or in this case a cluster of stars,
making a first appearance in the dawn sky immediately prior to the Sunrise
itself. The importance of this found an echo in some religious rites of ancient
Other rites
also depend on the Pleiades. The Sherente of Brazil still reckon their years to
begin when the Pleiades appear as the Sun makes its June exit from the
constellation of Taurus. The Navajo associate the stars with Black God, creator
of fire and light, a recognisable form of the group appearing on the face of
any depiction of the deity.
The Maya called
the cluster Tzab, the rattle (of the
rattlesnake). In the Aztec Florentine Codex of Central Mexico the group, identified
as Tianquiztli, the Market Place,
ensured the survival of civilisation for a further 52-year cycle by transiting
the zenith at midnight during the ceremony of The Binding of the Years.
Yet it was with
an entirely different culture, a millenium earlier, that perhaps the greatest
ever recognition of the Pleiades is to be found. Teotihuacan, largest and most
influential of all the cities of ancient Mesoamerica, is the earliest example
of what has become known as the `17° family of orientations' in reference to
the angle at which their principal axes run East of due North.
Built around
the beginning of the Christian era on a grid which, since the course of a
nearby river was altered to suit the pattern, cannot be claimed to simply
conform to local topography, the city possesses a major axis, defined by the
Street of the Dead, skewed 15° to the East of North. This is the same direction
in which at least three other main thoroughfares are known to have run and at
right angles to a baseline lying within 1° of the line of setting of the
Although a
singular enough reason for the angle of layout of any city, this was not the
prime mover in this instance as investigation revealed. On the day of the first
of the seasonal demarcations brought into being
by the two
annual passages of the Sun across the zenith, the Pleiades underwent heliacal
rising. They announced by their appearance the beginning of that most important
of all days when the Sun at high noon cast no shadows.
Linked to the
cult of the Diving Sun God, an inverted figure common to the friezes decorating
so much which was sacred in Mesoamerica, this was an event of incredible
significance. The descent of the god, drawing the noon shadows down with him,
was invariably followed by rains caused by the heat of the vertical Solar rays.
His death therefore promised life to his believers as deaths of gods throughout
the world have done since time immemorial.
centres in the vicinity of Teotihuacan built over a period of 1500 years
reflect the sacred orientation. So too do the more distant cities of Tenayuca,
Tepozteco and Tula, as well as buildings at Chichon Itza over 900 miles away.
The latter especially are an act of very great faith, considering the alien
nature of the environment.
Whether anyone
involved in the work had taken into account the movement of the Earth's pole of
rotation among the stars before transforming belief into action is debatable.
However, by the
time these copy-cat cities were springing up the Pleiades no longer set along
the Teotihuacan East-West axis. Nor by the end of the 9th century did they
continue to announce the zenith passage of the Sun.
The great
civilisation of Mexico was declining, and though the priest rulers of the day
still planned their centres of worship with an eye to the orientation of the
holy city, it is doubtful that they retained the knowledge of the original
purpose by which their predecessors had been inspired.
To paraphrase a passage from one of the
tragedies by the Greek writer Euripedes, 'The Pleiades were passing.' Their
light would never shine so bright again.