A cloudy day in Shropshire, and I've just been out in the garden surrounded by a plethora of holly blue butterflies flitting from flower to flower.
There was a lot of debate earlier in the year as to whether or not we'd actually get any butterflies this year, after the heavy rains of spring and early summer, but the holly blues, of which I didn't see a single example in my garden last year, obviously didn't mind the rain at all. The common blue butterflies, of which I had a myriad in the garden last year, however, are not at all common this year. In fact I haven't seen a single one.
It's been that sort of year all round. The honeysuckle, obviously enjoying the conditions we've had in the garden this year, is still flowering as if there was no tomorrow, and the Vitis coignetiae, which some years seeems to almost pause and mark time before it decides whether or not it's going to bother make any growth at all, has obviously decided to take over the world this year, starting with the bower at the end of the garden, which has almost disappeared beneath the rampant growth of its stems and twining tendrils. The mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), on the other hand, which prefers drier, warmer conditions, refused to show any signs of life at all until I dug it up and moved it into the greenhouse, where it grew quite happily until I returned it to the garden, whereupon it promptly went back to its earlier state of dormancy.
In the garden, look out for the snow-white, pulpy fruits of Symphoricarpos albus, the snowberry, which appear in early autumn, and last well into the winter, because they remain untouched by birds.
The common form of the shrub isn't one I'd ever recommend inroducing into your garden, because it's practically impossible to get rid of it again if you do. If, like me however, you have inherited it as a constituent of the hedge around your garden, you might as well enjoy looking at the berries when they are there to see, and try to forget how invasive those bits of it you can't see, because they are below ground, are being.
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