Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The effects of the cold winter linger on

   A damp day in Shropshire, and I’ve been looking out of my upstairs windows at what is probably another example of the way the late spring we had is still affecting the plants in my garden.
    Out of the back windows of the house I can see a clump of Hemerocallis ‘Grumbly’, a yellow-flowered cultivar of the day lily, ablaze with just about every bloom it’s likely to have this summer – all out at once. Out of the front windows of the house I can see another clump of the same plant doing what day lilies are supposed to do – having one or two flowers a day over a period which can last from one to five weeks, depending on the cultivar.

    The Hemerocallis is a native of Eurasia, China, Korea and Japan, and used to be classified amongst the true lilies, because of the close resemblance between the flowers of the two plants.
    The name Hemerocallis comes from the Greek words hemera, meaning day, and kalos, meaning beautiful.  The name alluding to the fact that most day lilies do have beautiful flowers, which last no more than one day, except, apparently, after exceptionally cold springs like the one we’ve just been suffering.

     In the garden, shrugging off the effects of that cold spring we hope, because it is supposed to be very hardy, look out for the glossy apple green foliage, sometimes turning yellow in autumn, of Calycanthus floridus, the Carolina Allspice. Deciduous, but looking like an evergreen, it has spicily aromatic foliage, and opulent purple-red flowers, which stand out against it. Enjoying a well-drained light soil, it will do well in full sun or partial shade, and flowers from May through to July in normal years.


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