Monday, 24 April 2017

Bee friendly blooms

  A  sunny day in Shropshire and I’ve just been watching bees working some of the flowers in my garden and hoping at least some of the insects working so industriously were mine. There are so many hives in the vicinity that I know of, I couldn’t be sure.
A few weeks ago it was the red flowers of the Japanese Quince, Chaenomeles speciosaFalconnet Charlet’, they were enjoying. This time it was the yellow blossoms of Caltha palustris, the Marsh Marigold, or Kingcup, which flourishes in the centre of my pond as well as the marshy edges of it, and is spreading with an abandon I might regret in time.
In a few weeks’ time it will the multitude of blue flowers covering the Californian Lilac, Ceanothus thrysiflorus, a shrub which prefers warmer conditions really, but clings to life in my garden despite a climate which doesn’t really suit it much of the time, which will seem to be humming themselves with so many bees visiting them for their pollen. Proof that, in my garden at least, despite what some experts say, the bees have no preference where colour is concerned.
In the garden, keeping up the bee friendly flowers theme, any time between May and September, look out for the slightly cupped, sweetly scented, white and yellow carpet of flowers which, Limnanthes douglasii, the Poached Egg plant, an annual, will produce.

Sometimes called the “Bee Flower”, because honey bees are said to be so attracted to it for both its nectar and pollen, when I grew it in my own garden a year or two ago, it was notable for its complete lack of attendant bees of any sort. Nor has it grown again as a result of self-seeding, as it’s supposed to do. Perhaps because it didn’t attract enough insects to pollinate its flowers. Though that could be a virtue rather than fault. It depends on your point of view.
The picture below is of one of my bees proving the Poached Egg plants popularity by being on two of its flowers at the same time.


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