Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Glastonbury Thorn


It’s been pouring heavens hard here ever since I got up this morning. Not the weather for working out in the garden unless you absolutely have to. Just right for settling down in front of a roaring log fire though, and telling the story of the Glastonbury Thorn once again.

Legend has it that Joseph of Arimathea came to England shortly after the crucifixion to spread the word of Christ. Finding the people of Glastonbury unreceptive to what he had to tell them, Joseph asked God for a sign that the people might find more convincing. God’s response was to cause Joseph’s staff to burst into flower and leaf even though it was Christmas Day.

The staff took root and grew into a tree which continued to flower every Christmas Day for centuries, attracting great crowds, who came from far and near to see the miracle. In 1752, however, the Gregorian Calendar was introduced, one of the outcomes of which was that though the date of Christmas Day remained the same, the actual day on which it had previously fallen had been shunted along into January.

The Gentleman’s Magazine reported in1753 that “a vast concourse of people attended the noted thorn on Christmas Eve, new style” but to no avail. “There was no appearance of it flowering: which made them watch it narrowly the 5th of January (or old Christmas) when it flowered as usual”.

And there I suppose I ought to leave the story, with the legend still intact, but this is a gardening column, so I won’t. Crataegusmonogyna ‘Biflora’, the Glastonbury Thorn, is, as its name suggests, a tree which, given the mild winters of southern England, will flower twice. Once in early January and again, more abundantly, in May.

Luckily for the monks of Glastonbury Abbey, who almost certainly planted the original tree, and milked the legend surrounding it by getting folk who came to wonder at the tree to hand over their worldly belongings to them in return for a better place in Heaven, people couldn’t just go out to a nursery and get a similar tree for their own garden in those days, though you can now. If you do, however, it probably won’t bear any winter flowers in this part of the country.

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